Voters.Network - advancing Australia's future
Voters.Network - advancing Australia's future
Voters.Network - advancing Australia's future

Privacy Policy

We will not pass on your email or any other information about you to anyone except to your hub leader or on your prior written instructions, unless required to do so by law, which in most cases is unlikely.

No internet site is safe against determined hackers. does not hold much information about members, but if you are concerned, use both an email address and an alias that can protect your privacy and can be discarded if need be.

If we need to verify that members are genuine then we can ask you to verify your real identity at that time.

Access to your details other than first and last name is restricted to admin and members of that hub if you belong to one.

Profile information can only be accessed by admin and the person owning the profile.

Our privacy policy is to not disclose your information to anyone unless required to do so by law which is most unlikely, or if specifically authorised to do so by you.


You are personally responsible and liable if you say anything about any person, organisation or corporation that damages their reputation. People lose their homes, cars and life savings that way. The best policy is to avoid saying nasty things about anybody you name. It rarely helps a campaign. Work on getting politicians to change the law, policy or practice. Do not rely on us to correct you or prevent you doing anything that exposes you to a damages suit. We are not lawyers; just community members helping voters communicate their wishes. We do not have the resources or knowledge to check what people do or say. However, we will ban from the site anyone who we think may defame or libel anyone else. We can mostly show you better ways than that to win, so feel free to ask.


Every user, visitor or member of is personally responsible for the consequences of his or her actions on or in connection with this site., its volunteers, participants and staff take no responsibility for anything other than what they personally do. If you cannot accept this condition, please resign now and leave the site. We don't imagine that it is a problem for many people, so welcome and let's make our democracies better for everyone.